Friday 12 July 2013

Post 8. Beauty.

Hi!,today i am going to talk about the video "a Darwinian Theory of Beauty¨by Denis Duton.
Dennis Duton talks of the origin of beauty, that he recognize as an extremely complicated thing, because we experiment it in many forms and because despite considered often culturally conditioned experiences, beauty and art can go beyond it culture and become as important on different cultures. For understand beauty we must rebuild the history of our artistic and aesthetic taste, for that understand where these universal aesthetic values come from, and how did they become embed in our minds. Acordding to Duton, Darwin says that beauty is nature way of making us attracted to the things we need to survive (natural selection) or the things that will help in our reproduction (sexual selection) and like this the first expressions artistic were born like a way for display desirable treats, giving status and a reproductive advantage for anyone that was able to make these things. These “ideas” stay with us during the milleniums making us instinctively sensitive to images, landscapes, sounds and also to a true display of skills, to the beauty of something done well.

I believe that despite of be one really good explanation for the birth of human sensitive nature, it fails to fully explain our relation to arts and beauty. Anyone that had heard a song, see a painting or standed in front of a sculpture, will know that the sense of beauty that experience to the confront with these works, goes beyond the appreciation of the author skills and have more to see with a personal relation that we establish with it. I believe that is the birth of a narrative in each confrontation with an artwork what gives beauty to art.

Saturday 6 July 2013

post 7. My favourite artist

Hi classmates!. today will talk of my favourite artist.  
My favourite artist was mention by the teacher in her post, he is egon schiele.I get to know more about him through another artist that i really like, Gustav Klimt.
Egon Leo Adolf Schiele was disciple of Gustav Klimt, and the discipline in that he worked was the engraved and painting. I fell in love with his work because of his approach erotism and visuality.
Schiele is a austrian, his life was surrounded by an aura of mysticism: of premature talent, he died at the short age of 28 years. Despite his short life, his work was numerous: about 300 hundred and 40 paintings, and two thousand eight hundred water-paintings and drawings.
One of the strongest characteristics on Schiele Paintings is the skill and firmness of his stroke, which went on once it started, without truce, until the end, without any corrections. It seems that the artist went on with his drawing without caring if the model moved or changed place, given that the line followed it's path carrying all its emotional dimension.
The work by Schiele that i appreciate more, are his drawings. Has a unique expressivity!.

Saturday 22 June 2013

post 6. Photograph

Hello classmates!, this picture signify a lot to me, that’s why i chose it, not only for the beauty it have. this picture was taken on a monday by me, as a memento of a great change of look that was a lot more than that. A great friend was with me that afternoon during all this kind of “ritual” that was cut my long hair, that i took so much care of and that i sort of adoration as it happens very little to me with this kind of material/physical things. This picture reminds me of a decision that doesn’t  very easy and that marked a before and after in my life. It may sound a bit exaggerated , maybe even funny but that’s the way it was. Almost one year past from  i took this picture and my hair has long  to my shoulders; many things have pass in the course of my hair growth and i think this symbolic gestures in life are really necessary, as little as they may appear. I like to take this opportunity to send my regards to that great friend, the one that appears holding my hair in the picture, which will probably by my side when she reads this, for being there, at that moment and in so many others that will not be forget, for understanding and accompanying me. The picture lacks quality, i know, of composition maybe and light, but it is a picture i found while search for  among many others to upload to my blog, that i had forget even existed, and it made me remember all that i wanted to leave behind with this haircut, it worked. Time goes on, hair grows.

post 5: blog correction

Hello classmates after of watched  (after i watched) some of my photos I choosed this picture that I took the last year in Plaza de Armas it was while I was waiting for a concert  that organised (that was organised)by Universidad de Chile for the 170 th anniversary in wich played symphonic orchestra with all (all of)the choral groups of the unviversity. The photograph is the (of the) top of the Santiago's Cathedral, I think the light of the historical's buildings is nice and in (at) the moment when i took the picture the (moon) was on the crescent phase and near to the Cathedral's top. I thought that maybe could be a great frame to the picture because its a big contrast with the sky too. That night  a lot of people came to the concert. I came early and i found a sit and the night it was so cold. The photo was took with a diaphragm's aperture 4,5 with a 1/25 of exposure's time and a big lens, the camera is mine i bought it in february of 2012 and i am discovering how to use it yet xd. I have others of this building and the Correo de Chile but this i like more than the rest it's more decent. Here I attach the picture, i hope it doesn't so ugly or dissapointed ( or dissapointing) :c bye

Post 4: Spirited Away

Hi everyone!, today i’ll talk about Spirited away:
it is a movie i saw because everyone was talking about it, and about the good it was and i still had not seen it, then i took the opportunity to see it when i was working during summer at a place in which a had all the time world to waste. And so i download Spirited Away and really feel trapped by japanese graphics i had always refused to see because i get really annoy by the exaggerated of their voices. I don't know if i could define this movie as my favorite movie but it is one of the last movies i have seen and i really liked it. The movie is about a little girl that that had to move to a new home with her parents, but half way to their new home, all the family gets lost, after passing through a bridge in the woods, they get carried away to a kind of secret kingdom, where the girl parents are transformed into pigs, leaving the kid alone to rescue her parents for they can all come back to reality. In this sort of secret kingdom the little girl gets to know the inhabitants of this parallel world and must integrate to what happens around her, living wonderful events. The director of this movie is Hayao Miyazaki, after looking for pictures of him, i could not help but laugh at his face, he is just like an anime character, i will attach a picture of him, so you can get to know him.

Post 3: A Career-related website OR an Expert in your field

hi everyone!, today i am going to talk about a website called tumblr, this website is not strictly related to my career but it is a great source for artistic content and imagery, I discovered this website about a year ago, this website let’s you build your own as a portfolio, in which you put all the images or text you find and like so then you can show them on your own blog, which in turn can be seen and shared by anyone else on tumblr, even though i could be uploading my own images to my blog, so far i have been only sharing content i have find on tumblr. I don’t really like to spend much time on the internet i find this website very fun.

Here i leave you my tumblr bye c:

Sunday 5 May 2013

post 2." A concert or an exhibition "

Hello classmates, today will talk of my favorite art exhibition. I will not speak about music because i dont feel a proximity with it. The exhibition about talk is the "Salón de estudiantes" ,at the museum MAC of quinta normal park.
This museum,a very spacious place with much illumination in each hall.
This exhibition was the past march 22 , and is one my favorites, because it has as objetive to make public young emerging artist, also this day a friend
, Victoria Bravo. Mi friend presented an installation with figures of cloth, many figures! crocheted by hand. 

At the exhibition there werw works of many techniques!...for example: painting, sculpture, installation, engraving and videoart. Each artist has it's typical style, spectrum of colors and own format.

I don't remember having seen the museum so full before, i think people liked seeing so many new proposals, i don't know what else to say so i finish adding some images from that day, good bye!

Friday 26 April 2013

Post 1

Hi! my name is Nataly Arenas, I'm 22 year old, time flies! alone the past year, but now living whit my family; my mother and  two brothers, one more younger and other is older my. In my free time i like ride  bike, i love, is beautiful jajajaa... but prefer do activity in group, whit my friends...the same ones as always, at the same place as always.
work part-time in the supermarket, is boring, but the best thing is that have cash  now. Whit that money buy materials for my worshop, because every time is needed more. study art is expensive, you know!.
That is all for the post 1.

See you soon! :D