Friday 12 July 2013

Post 8. Beauty.

Hi!,today i am going to talk about the video "a Darwinian Theory of Beauty¨by Denis Duton.
Dennis Duton talks of the origin of beauty, that he recognize as an extremely complicated thing, because we experiment it in many forms and because despite considered often culturally conditioned experiences, beauty and art can go beyond it culture and become as important on different cultures. For understand beauty we must rebuild the history of our artistic and aesthetic taste, for that understand where these universal aesthetic values come from, and how did they become embed in our minds. Acordding to Duton, Darwin says that beauty is nature way of making us attracted to the things we need to survive (natural selection) or the things that will help in our reproduction (sexual selection) and like this the first expressions artistic were born like a way for display desirable treats, giving status and a reproductive advantage for anyone that was able to make these things. These “ideas” stay with us during the milleniums making us instinctively sensitive to images, landscapes, sounds and also to a true display of skills, to the beauty of something done well.

I believe that despite of be one really good explanation for the birth of human sensitive nature, it fails to fully explain our relation to arts and beauty. Anyone that had heard a song, see a painting or standed in front of a sculpture, will know that the sense of beauty that experience to the confront with these works, goes beyond the appreciation of the author skills and have more to see with a personal relation that we establish with it. I believe that is the birth of a narrative in each confrontation with an artwork what gives beauty to art.