Saturday 6 July 2013

post 7. My favourite artist

Hi classmates!. today will talk of my favourite artist.  
My favourite artist was mention by the teacher in her post, he is egon schiele.I get to know more about him through another artist that i really like, Gustav Klimt.
Egon Leo Adolf Schiele was disciple of Gustav Klimt, and the discipline in that he worked was the engraved and painting. I fell in love with his work because of his approach erotism and visuality.
Schiele is a austrian, his life was surrounded by an aura of mysticism: of premature talent, he died at the short age of 28 years. Despite his short life, his work was numerous: about 300 hundred and 40 paintings, and two thousand eight hundred water-paintings and drawings.
One of the strongest characteristics on Schiele Paintings is the skill and firmness of his stroke, which went on once it started, without truce, until the end, without any corrections. It seems that the artist went on with his drawing without caring if the model moved or changed place, given that the line followed it's path carrying all its emotional dimension.
The work by Schiele that i appreciate more, are his drawings. Has a unique expressivity!.

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